It is in sorrow that we announce the passing of Mr Dennis Grenier at the age of 69. Dennis passed away peacefully at the Hotel-Dieu on Dec 21st , 2023.
To all who knew him, Dennis was a big teddy bear. Gentle, kind and always friendly. He loved to sit and have a coffee, or in his later years, he preferred tea, along with a sweet treat. Donuts were his favourite. He would always ask the name of whomever served him his drink and he would remember that person for many years to come. He would chat about the things around him and the people that had touched his life at some point, even if it was a brief encounter. Batman was his favourite superhero, Woody Woodpecker was his favorite cartoon and Home Alone, his favourite movie, but it was his love of music that most people will remember first about him. Johnny Cash, Alan Jackson and Dolly Parton topped his list, although he would listen for hours to any old-time country music. He loved to strum along with the greats on his prized guitar that his cousin, Earlwin, hand-made for him.
Above all his favourites though, his true hero sister, Diane, who was always there for him. He loved the visits and adventures with her. He will be missed by all who knew him, especially the family and friends that survive him. His beloved sister, Diane and her husband Rick. His two nieces Janis (Mario) and Cassondra (Joe), his great niece and nephew, Makenah and Elijah, and his extended family, the Grenier's and Tincarres as well as the Rowlands.
Having grown up with the support of the Dixville Foundation. Dennis had many kind caregivers over the years. His family would like to sincerely thank each and every one of them for helping Dennis live such a long and full life. We would also like to thank the doctors, nurses and staff of the palliative care unit at the Hotel-Dieu for their kindness and dedication in Dennis’s final days.
A service and celebration of life will be held in the Spring.
Messages de sympathie
We extend our deepest sympathy to his family. I will always remember Dennis , and his beautiful smile. Dennis was one of my students in Handicraft Classes at Dixville Home many years ago.
- Larry and Lorrayne Markwell, on
January 7, 2024
I offer my deepest condolences for the loss of Dennis. It is clear that he had a special place in your hearts. The memories we have when we were teasing him, pretending and joking with him reflect the joy and laughter he brought into our lives. Dennis's presence made your lives fuller. May his warm spirit and the cherished memories you hold bring you comfort during this difficult time.
May my support warm your heart
- Patrick Masse residence, on
January 3, 2024
Nous vous offrons nos plus sincères condoléances. Maintenant Dennis repose en paix et est devenu l'ange qui veillera sur vous tous!!! Je me souviendrai toujours de Dennis quand il me disait: Hey Sandy what your name???
May my support warm your heart
- Sandy & Sylvie, on
January 1, 2024
Our deepest sympathy. Dennis was so so lucky to have you in his life big sister love, Diane you gave him a life to live for, now he is in peace and he’s in his mom’s arms. I’m so so proud of you Diane . Sending you lots of Love and warm hugs .
- Diane Breton, on
December 30, 2023
Sincères condoléances.
- Claude Boucher, on
December 29, 2023
Je vous offre mes sincères condoléances. Vous avez toujours été au devant de ton frère Diane, tu peux être fière de toi. Bon courage ma chère, mes prières vous accompagnent.
- Doris Martineau , on
December 29, 2023
condoléances à vous.
May my support warm your heart
- Alain Breton , on
December 29, 2023
Our deepest sympathy. You were the best sister ever. Dennis was so lucky to have you. Hugs.
- Wayne & Pauline Thorneloe, on
December 29, 2023
Nos plus sincères sympathies toute ta belle famille...
- André et Louise Cloutier , on
December 29, 2023
We are very sorry to hear the news about Dennis. You are in our thoughts
- Norma and Brian, on
December 29, 2023
My condolences to all the family. I had the pleasure to meet Dennis a few times, I saw the love he had for you. He will be missed by all. He is with his Mom and Dad now looking down at you with pride.
- Donna Coates, on
December 28, 2023
Diane, ma mère est partie le même jour que Dennis, peut être qu'ils ont fait un p'tit bout de chemin ensemble, on leur souhaite bonne route, mes pensées sont avec vous tous.
May my support warm your heart
- Daniel Ménard , on
December 28, 2023
Diane, i am Sending you my sympathy ..may the good memories help you through this difficult time
- karolynn , on
December 28, 2023
Sincères sympathies à toi et aux tiens
- Micheline Couture, on
December 28, 2023
Nos pensées sont avec vous tous .Nos sympathies
- Nancy et André , on
December 28, 2023
Our sympathies to you and prayers in your time of loss. We know Dennis will surely be missed. Hugs and love.
May my support warm your heart
- Dave and Darla and families. , on
December 28, 2023
Pour moi Denis sera toujours dans mon coeur. Je vais m’ennuyer de son beau sourire. Merci Diane d’avoir été toujours là pour lui. Denis a vraiment été chanceux de t’avoir dans sa vie. Bon repos Denis
May my support warm your heart
- Claire Dubois, on
December 28, 2023
My sympathies to all the family he will be missed. He is now in heaven with his mom and dad and will be your gardien angel for the all the family left on earth
May my support warm your heart
- Kathy, on
December 28, 2023
It was a pleasure to work with Dennis in Ayer’s Cliff Residence and Workshop. He was always a great help and just a fun guy to have around. I think of him every year on his birthday because he must have told me a thousand times. Dennis will be missed by many but our memories of him live on.
- Stephanie Graham, on
December 28, 2023
Bon repos Dennis , je suis heureuse d'avoir pu passer quelques journées en ta compagnie durant tes derniers jours . ️
May my support warm your heart
- Andréanne Ashby , on
December 28, 2023
Mes sincères condoléances Diane, à toi et ta famille, à l'occasion du décès de ton cher frère. Je sais qu'il a occupé une grande place dans ton cœur et qu'il gardera à jamais une place de choix. Tu a été une sœur incroyable pour lui. Je te souhaite du courage pour passer à travers cette épreuve, bien entourée de ceux et celles que tu aimes. Sois assurée que Dennis veille maintenant sur toi et qu'une étoile de plus brille maintenant dans le ciel. Je t'assure de mon amitié et de mes prières.
- France Lebrun, on
December 28, 2023
Dear Diane
You were an amazing and very present sister in Dennis’s life . He will be missed but now forever at peace and I’m sure Mom and dad were there to greet him in heaven !
Love hugs prayers and blessings
- Ann Marcoux, on
December 28, 2023
Chère Diane, mes pensées sont avec toi. Sincères condoléances pour la perte de ton frère. Bon courage.
May my support warm your heart
- Florence et Rosaire Roy, on
December 27, 2023
Toutes mes condoléances
- Dorothy ouimette, on
December 27, 2023
So sorry to hear of Dennis passing. worked many years with him .
- jim webster, on
December 27, 2023
Sending lots of warmth and love to you all. Diane you were always there for your big Brother. Everytime you posted an outing it made me feel that l needed to do more in my own life.
You never were a constant in Dennis's life and you could always tell, by his great big smile, that he was so very happy to be with you.
Lots of love!
Tony and Shelley xo
- Shelley Knapp & Tony Sampson, on
December 27, 2023
I have so enjoyed the adventures you have shared with us of Dennis. You have been an amazing sister and family. I am so very sorry for your loss and will miss Dennis's bigger than life smile. Thinking of you all
May my support warm your heart
- Melody(Knapp) Campagna, on
December 27, 2023
Sorry to hear of Dennis 's passing. I was on the Cass website to check out Bev Kinnear 's
obituary. I was so sorry to hear of your brother's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Thinking of all of you.
Shelley Kinnear
May my support warm your heart
- Shelley Kinnear, on
December 27, 2023