Fleur Blanche

In memory of

Goldwyn George

1945 - 2024

M. Goldwyn George est décédé le 6 novembre 2024, à l’âge de 79 ans, entouré de l’amour de ses proches.  Il demeurait à Sherbrooke.  Goldie était l’époux de Linda Testaguzza, le fils de feu Alma White et de feu Clifford George, et le gendre de feu Fernande Gosselin et de feu Prosperto Testaguzza.

Outre son épouse Linda, il laisse dans le deuil sa fille Christina (Roberto), son fils Andrew (Lorraine) et sa petite-fille Sofia. 

Il quitte aussi son beau-frère Angelo (Lucille), ses belles-sœurs Alexandra (feu Alfred), Nina (Camille) et Brenda, ainsi que ses neveux et nièces Julie, Greg, Charles, Natina, Natalia, Vince et sa filleule Victoria Ann.

Afin de respecter les dernières volontés de Goldie, la famille se recueillera en toute intimité pour ses funérailles.  Ses cendres seront déposées au cimetière Greenlay George à Inverness, situé dans le village natal de Goldie.

La famille remercie Cathy et Ronny pour leur support et leurs fréquentes visites à Goldie au fil des ans.

Merci également du fond du cœur à tout le personnel du 4e B du Centre d’hébergement Argyll de Sherbrooke, plus particulièrement à Dre Catherine Vanasse, ainsi qu’à Vincent, Akima, Catalina, Manon, Edgar, James, Yannick, Robert, Danièle, Daniela, Marie-J, Lucie, Yvon et Samuel pour l’excellence des soins prodigués à Goldie, ainsi que pour leur dévotion et leur compassion.

Toutes marques de sympathies peuvent se traduire par des dons à :

            La Société Alzheimer de l’Estrie

            1832, rue Galt Est

            Sherbrooke (Qc)  J1G 3H8




Mr. Goldwyn (Goldie) George (1945-2024)


Mr. Goldwyn George passed away on November 6th, 2024, at the age of 79, surrounded by his loving family.  He was living in Sherbrooke.  Goldie is survived by his wife Linda Testaguzza, and was born to late Alma White and late Clifford George, and was the son-in-law of late Fernande Gosselin and late Prosperto Testaguzza.

Besides his wife Linda, he will be missed by his daughter Christina (Roberto), his son Andrew (Lorraine) and his granddaughter Sofia.

He leaves behind his brother-in-law Angelo (Lucille), his sisters-in-law Alexandra (late Alfred), Nina (Camille) and Brenda, as well as his nephews and nieces Julie, Greg, Charles, Natina, Natalia, Vince and his goddaughter Victoria Ann.

As per Goldie’s wish, the family will gather privately for his funeral.  His ashes will be buried in Greenlay George Cemetery in Inverness, located in Goldie’s home town.

The family thanks Cathy and Ronny for their support and frequent visits to Goldie through the years.

Many thanks from the bottom of our hearts to the 4th B staff of Argyll Health Center in Sherbrooke, especially to Dr. Catherine Vanasse and to Vincent, Akima, Catalina, Manon, Edgar, James, Yannick, Robert, Danièle, Daniela, Marie-J, Lucie, Yvon and Samuel for the excellent care they offered to Goldie, and also for their devotion and compassion.

Donations to the following foundation would be much appreciated:

            La Société Alzheimer de l’Estrie

            1832, rue Galt Est

            Sherbrooke (Qc)  J1G 3H8


Messages de sympathie

Mes Sympathies Linda à toi et ta famille. Mes pensées sont avec toi, et bonne chance pour la suite. Il repose en paix et veillera sur vous tous.

- Marie-Josée Roy Le Prohon, on November 16, 2024

Our deepest sympathy to you Linda and the family. May the wonderful memories you cherish of Goldie comfort you at this most difficult time. Linda our thoughts and prayers are with you and the family. He will be missed. love xox

- Catherine Bolduc , on November 15, 2024

Linda, je viens d'apprendre le décès de ton époux. Mes pensées sont avec toi... Mes sincères condoléances à toute la famille et aux proches.

- Louise Bécotte, on November 15, 2024

Our sincere condolences to all the families.

- Allan &Helen Robinson , on November 13, 2024

We all were devastated to hear the news,take care.


May my support warm your heart

- Garry,Sylvie and family and Mildred, on November 13, 2024

Je vous offre mes sincères condoléances.Que le souvenir des bons moments partagés en sa présence vous apporte réconfort et sérénité

- Claire Paquet #204, on November 11, 2024

Sending love and my deepest condolences to my aunt Linda, and my cousins Tina and Andrew, you are in my heart during this difficult time. Beloved uncle Goldie, whom I loved and whom I will remember as the sweetest, gentle uncle, who told me so many times he loved me (even though we did not see each other often), will remain in a very special place in my heart. May he rest in Peace. xo. Julie

- Julie, on November 10, 2024

My most sincere condolences. I have known Goldwyn all my life, being only a year younger than him. He was my distant cousin through his mother and likewise to my late wife Linda Lowry through his father. May he rest in peace.

- Eric Robinson, on November 9, 2024

My sweet devoted sister, Linda You are the bedrock of the family with your courage, strength of character and unwavering devotion and love for us as you have been for your husband, Goldie. You went above and beyond to give him the best of care, made him comfortable and peaceful as you cared tirelessly for him. May you always be blessed Linda. Goldie was serene, calm and peaceful person that I very much admired and he will be missed. My heart is filled with sympathy for you, Andrew and Tina. Those we love never leave us but walk beside us in our hearts and memories. I hope you all feel surrounded by his love. Wishing you healing and peace, Aleksandra

- Aleksandra, on November 9, 2024

Toutes mes pensées t’accompagnent dans cette grande perte ainsi qu’à Christina et Andrew.Sincères sympathies à vous trois et à toute votre famille. Pierrette Roy

- Pierrette Roy, on November 9, 2024

I am so sorry to hear to Goldie passed away. Please accept my sincere condolences to you and your family.

- Sandra Borden , on November 8, 2024

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May my support warm your heart


[Arbre] Tree

A tree is planted in memory of the deceased

15 $
