Fleur Blanche

In memory of

Louise Symons

1939 - 2025

David and Louise Bell Obituary


David Bell (1937-2024)


Louise Symons Bell (1939-2025)


David, son of the late William Edward Bell and Annie (Harden) Bell, passed away on November 7, 2024, at the age of 87.


Louise, daughter of the late Howard Symons and Bernice (Wilson) Symons, passed away on January 6, 2025, at the age of 85.


Louise and David lived in North Hatley and were married for 64 years. They will be missed by their friends and family - sister to Louise, Carol (Symons) Macdivitt (late David Macdivitt). Fondly remembered by Penny and Angel as Aunt Louise and Uncle David.


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[Arbre] Tree

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15 $
