Fleur Blanche

À la mémoire de

Achim Nolcken Lohse

1947 - 2025

Born in Berlin, Germany, he lived in Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Colombia, and finally in Quebec (Sherbrooke).

On February 2nd, 2025 Achim died at home at the age of 77. He was accompanied to the end by his wife Isabelle Dailly, and his faithful companion Inky.

According to his wishes, there will be no funeral.

Messages de sympathie

Chère Isabelle, Nos plus sincères condoléances. Nous pensons fort à toi et nous t’embrassons. Audrey, Samantha, Gabriel

[Arbre] Arbre

Un arbre est planté à la mémoire du défunt

- Audrey Carrier, le 12 février 2025

Mon amie Isabelle, toutes mes sympathies pour le décès de ton cher Achim. C’est un dur passage de vie que tu as à traverser. Je te souhaite beaucoup de sérénité.


Que mon soutien réchauffe votre coeur

- danielle st-onge, le 12 février 2025

Ma chère Isabelle, je suis de tout coeur avec toi en ces moments si difficiles. Mes pensées t'accompagnent. Mes sincères sympathies.

[Arbre] Arbre

Un arbre est planté à la mémoire du défunt

- Cynthia, le 12 février 2025

Toutes mes condoléances Isabelle pour ces moments difficiles. Mes pensées sont avec toi

[Arbre] Arbre

Un arbre est planté à la mémoire du défunt

- Carole , le 12 février 2025

Chère Isabelle, Nos pensées t’accompagnent et nous sommes de tout cœur avec toi.


Que mon soutien réchauffe votre coeur

- JF et Mélissa, le 12 février 2025

Because he loved all trees.

- Isabelle Dailly, le 13 février 2025

Que la chaleur des souvenirs accompagne ton chagrin. Bises Ode

[Arbre] Arbre

Un arbre est planté à la mémoire du défunt

- Ode, le 13 février 2025

Je n'ai pas énormément connu Archim mais je crois qu'il a toujours incarné cet homme aux multiples gadgets, celui qui était avant tout proche de la nature, celui qui contemplait avec ses jumelles... Il restera a mes yeux cette petite mésange bicolore photographiée et peinte l'été dernier. Je pense à lui mais aussi à toi. Je t’embrasse bien fort.


Que mon soutien réchauffe votre coeur

- Solène, le 13 février 2025

Isabelle, Mes condoléances les plus sincères.


Que mon soutien réchauffe votre coeur

- Maryline , le 14 février 2025

Chère Isabelle, mes pensées sont avec toi.

[Arbre] Arbre

Un arbre est planté à la mémoire du défunt

- Melanie, le 14 février 2025

I wish that I could have known my kin better, and that my daughter could have gotten to know her grandfather better as well. We waited too late to get together. I’m glad I didn’t ask for permission to record our one and only conversation together the day before my mother’s and your daughter’s birthdays (Christmas day). What a coincidence;) anyways. I will forever cherish this recording and I’m glad that you talked all the way through the whole two hours. What a creative, and imaginative man. Wow! He loved to write! Haha. Now I see where I get it from. He seemed so intelligent that it seemed to be his biggest weakness. I feel like he had so much to teach me about myself through his prospective. I hope that someone sees this and can tell me more about this majestic man refused to let me refer to him as a father and simply a progenitor. He was a man with a story to tell, but no one to tell it to. He was the echo in an empty hall. A mystery. An enigma. A man who found value in his own genetic material. lol. I feel honoured that he didn’t spill;) Haha. But sincerely, he will be missed without himself knowing it. Peace and love. I’ll never get another chance to say something at my dad’s funeral, and I feel like he would want his funeral to go off with a blast from the past. No pun intended;) After re-reading this, I wonder If we were mostly Irish, cuz Things are almost rhyming. I know this is bad timing, when it’s really time for crying, but I always wanted a Dad that was more like me and Achim seemed to be. I tried to get close, but he pushed me away, like I’m sure he pushed so many away. I can relate. If there’s anything we can take from this, it is that it’s never too late to connect or reconnect, and when you think it’s the end, it is, and only then. I’m also so glad that I made Achim take the Myers Briggs Personality test. It’s this amazing personality test that helps you understand people’s personalities. Achim was an INTP introverted intuitive thinking perceiving. I use this test to understand myself and the people around me. This test helped me understand this personality that I didn’t know so well and hopefully it will help me and yourselves put together the pieces that were Joachim, the father of Dana and son to this “virgin Mary” (Brenda Gay Sharp)lol. Oh the crazy coincidences of life. Anyways, Albert Einstein was an INTP too, and that explains so much about my genetic makeup too. I’m really sorry if this upset people, but I really need to connect to someone who knew him, it’s a missing part me that he took with him. Achim was more than just a sperm donor, he was my heritage, culture, genetics and epigenetic makeup. He was my maker

- Elizabeth Sharp, le 15 février 2025

Tellement désolée Isabelle. Pour le peu de temps que j'ai passé avec Archim, je l'ai trouvé intriguant, authentique, et bien en amour avec son Isabelle. Je te souhaite bon courage durant ce temps difficile. Gros câlin de notre famille.


Que mon soutien réchauffe votre coeur

- Brigitte L'Heureux et enfants (Jade et Jonah), le 19 février 2025

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Que mon soutien réchauffe votre coeur

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