Halsall (Munkittrick)
Rena Ida Louise 1929-2024
C'est avec une profonde tristesse que nous annonçons son décès le 16 juillet 2024 à l'Hôpital Hôtel-Dieu de Sherbrooke.
Précédée par son époux Albert et ses enfants, Louise, Ricky, Judy et Thomas, elle laisse dans le deuil Herb, Bob, Joan (Jonathan), Betty Jane (Dave), David (Jacqueline) et Steven (Michelle). Elle laisse plusieurs petits-enfants, arrière-petits-enfants et arrière-arrière-petits-enfants.
Né à Lime Ridge, Québec et a grandi à Marbleton. Elle vivait sur la ferme familiale à Birchton depuis 1959.
Elle a été précédée par ses frères Cecil, Robert et Roland, ses sœurs Dorothy, Dora, Laura et Irene et sa meilleure amie Marion. Elle laisse également dans le deuil sa sœur Betty Lou et ses frères Carl et Tom.
On se souviendra d'elle avec tendresse comme étant une femme très sociable et extravertie qui aimait sa famille et ses animaux de compagnie, Marcus et Ginger, ses activités religieuses et qui adorait passer du temps dans son potager et ses jardins de fleurs.
Des dons en sa mémoire peuvent être faits à la campagne de la jonquille de la Société canadienne du cancer ou à l'organisme de bienfaisance de votre choix.
La famille sera présente à l'église Cookshire Trinity (190 Principale Ouest) le vendredi 26 juillet de 14h à 16h et de 18h à 20h ainsi que le samedi 27 juillet de 12h45 à 13h45. La cérémonie suivra à 14h00 à l'église.
L’Inhumation, au cimetière Malvern de Lennoxville, suivra immédiatement après la cérémonie et la famille se rendra ensuite au centre communautaire de Bulwer pour la réception.
La direction a été confiée aux Résidences funéraires Cass.
Messages de sympathie
My sincere sympathies to you at this sad and difficult time. May your strength , love and many fond memories comfort you at this time.
- Sarah McConnachie, le
26 juillet 2024
Thinking of you all at this very sad time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
- Linda Nutbrown and Stephen Bard, le
26 juillet 2024
So sorry for your loss of your mother, my deepest sympathies for you all at this diffucult time. I can remember all her outtings shopping and travelling with Marian Sparkes. May peace surround you all.
Carolyn (Cally)Bentzen
Que mon soutien réchauffe votre coeur
- Carolyn Bentzen, le
25 juillet 2024
My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this time. As Andrew and I reflect on all the wonderful fun filled memories it warms our hearts. The many holidays and Christmas's spent on the farm with Rena and family will always hold a special place.
I am so glad she is not only in our past, but because of Jesus she is also our future.
Gary and Andrew
- Gary Spring, le
25 juillet 2024
Our most sincere sympathies to all the family.
- Marilyne and Mike Bélanger, le
24 juillet 2024
Mes sympathies sincères pour votre soeur
- Johanne Carrier et Marcel Bisson, le
24 juillet 2024
Condolences to all of the Munkittrick family. We knew your Mom's brother Jack whom was married to my Mom's first Cousin Ethel. Janna, Kelly and John sending thoughts to you as well on the loss of your Aunt.
Cousin Shelley and Tony
- Shelley Knapp Sampson, le
23 juillet 2024
I am saddened by the loss of your mother (my Aunt Rena) my sincere and heartfelt
condolences. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Que mon soutien réchauffe votre coeur
- Grace Ross, le
23 juillet 2024
We are so sorry for your loss. I had the pleasure of knowing Rena during the years that we worked at Grace Christian Home. She worked hard and well and encouraged the rest of us to do likewise. We still use the "little kids wooden stools" that her husband made for our boys. Our kids, Rob, Marc and Sherley all knew and appreciated Bob from the years at Galt. She was indeed a wonderful, fun lady - a good friend to her friends.
Linda Francius for all the family
- Francely and Linda Francius, le
23 juillet 2024
So very sorry about losing your Mom. Our thoughts are with you.
- Norman and Dawn, le
23 juillet 2024
My sympathy. Mrs Halsall was a very special lady.
- Linda MacLeod, le
22 juillet 2024
We are so saddened by your loss. Our prayers are covering your entire family and we pray for God's peace and presence to be tangible with you!
Que mon soutien réchauffe votre coeur
- Gavin and Jennifer Albrecht, le
21 juillet 2024
My condolences In your loss. So many good memories of your Mom and your family
- Barb Ward, le
19 juillet 2024
Our deepest and heartfelt sympathies to you and all your family Bob, she was such a sweet, friendly lady and she will be greatly missed by everyone who knew her
R.I.P. Rena
- Barry and Gloria Loveland, le
19 juillet 2024
Our deepest sympathies to you all, she was such a sweet lady
Que mon soutien réchauffe votre coeur
- Darryl & Marty, le
19 juillet 2024
Nos sincères condoléances à vous deux et à toute la famille !
Que mon soutien réchauffe votre coeur
- Monique et Richard, le
19 juillet 2024
I am so sorry to read about the loss of your Mother. She was a lovely person and always so friendly and happy. I enjoyed being friends with her when I lived in Birchton and am so glad that we kept in touch after I moved to Brockville. You will miss her so much but she is at rest now and that is the important thing. May your memories of her help you through this very sad time and may she rest in peace.
- Heather Turchyn, le
19 juillet 2024
Sincères condoléances!
- Denis et Suzanne Breton, le
19 juillet 2024
BJ, Dave and Family, we are sad along with you as you say good-bye to your Mom. It looks like her long life allowed her to enjoy a big family and the world God created. We pray that you all will know the peace of Christ and the presence of God as you walk out your grief. Look to Jesus who is the hope in this life and in the life to come! John 11:25
Pastor Bryan Ferguson on behalf of your Base Church Family
- Bryan Ferguson, le
18 juillet 2024
I would like to extend my Condolences to all who knew Aunt Rena (my mom Irene's sister). I wish for all the memories to be many to help you through this time of loss. I send Prayers to all who knew Aunt Rena whether you be family or friends. I cannot be there to join in the service or the celebration of life because of health issues but my thoughts, Prayers and Love will be there with all of you. Many Blessings.
Que mon soutien réchauffe votre coeur
- Margaret Rose, le
18 juillet 2024