Fleur Blanche

À la mémoire de

Wynn Dustin

1936 - 2024

La famille est profondément attristée d'annoncer le décès de Wynn Dustin, le 16 septembre 2024, à l’âge de 88 ans. Il était l'époux bien-aimé de feu Faye Dustin (Ticehurst). Ils ont été mariés pendant 57 ans

Wynn laisse dans le deuil ses enfants Randy (Maria), Wendy (Neil) et Kelly (Florent); ses petits-enfants Shannon (Wayne), Ashlee (Marc), Alicia (Nick), Amy (Michaël), Natacha (Marcus), Nathaniel (Maude). Il était le grand-père de feu Christophe.   Ses arrière-petits-enfants Connor, Nolan, Evan, Ava, Caleb, Jacob, Logan, Elodie, Mallika, Derek et Lexie. Il était l'arrière-grand-père de feu Madison. Frère de feu Weldon, Leta, feu Lorna et Lillian. Il manquera également à plusieurs neveux, nièces, cousins et amis.

Wynn est né à North Hatley en 1936. Il était le plus jeune de cinq enfants. Ses parents étaient Thomas et Edith Dustin. Il a travaillé la majeure partie de sa jeunesse dans l'agriculture et a ensuite conduit des autobus scolaires pendant de nombreuses années.

Beaucoup connaissent Wynn comme un mari, un père, un grand-père et un arrière-grand-père honnête, généreux et dévoué. Il était un excellent Père Noël, organisateur de soirées pizza (bus scolaire) et adorait les bonnes blagues. Ses passe-temps favoris comprenaient l'orgue, le jardinage, le sucre et la généalogie. Il nous manquera beaucoup.

Un merci spécial à Dre Anne Suprenant pour ses soins et son soutien.

Il y aura un enterrement privé à une date ultérieure, selon sa demande.

Des dons au Cimetière Griffin Hill, 10 St-Joseph, Stanstead, QC J0B 3E0 seraient grandement appréciés.

Messages de sympathie

Our deepest sympathies to the entire family. He was one of a kind! Such a wonderful man. There will always be a special place in my heart for him. May he rest in peace.


Que mon soutien réchauffe votre coeur

- Jessica (Marrotte) Braga, le 20 septembre 2024

My sympathies to all of you,he was my bus driver in elementary as well as high school. Was a great man who always thought of the bus kids. Popsicles,pizza,soda may he rest in peace


Que mon soutien réchauffe votre coeur

- Marjorie Sargent, le 19 septembre 2024

Wynn's passing is very sad! My condolences to his family. He has left many interesting stories and a great family history to remember him by. He was an important supporter of the Griffin Hill Cemetery. He will be missed.

- Dave Lepitre, le 19 septembre 2024

It is with deep sadness that I learned of Wynn's passing. Please know that you are all in my prayers during this difficult time. Wynn was a great man and a mentor and role model for me during my teen years. It was an honor to know and spend time with him.

- Sean Mahoney, le 19 septembre 2024

It is with deep sadness that I learned of Wynn's passing. Please know that you are all in my prayers during this difficult time. Wynn was a great man and a mentor and role model for me during my teen years. It was an honor to know and spend time with him.

- Sean Mahoney, le 19 septembre 2024

My deepest condolences to all Wynns family. He was a wonderfully kind man. He made everyone's day brighter as a bus driver. I remember at the last day of school he would let us have a water fight on the bus. I'll always remember that. He will be missed by many.


Que mon soutien réchauffe votre coeur

- Paige Gauthier Armstrong , le 19 septembre 2024

My deepest sympathy to all of you . I'm very sad to hear this. He was the best bus driver I had , he was a very kind man.


Que mon soutien réchauffe votre coeur

- Cindy cunnington Blouin, le 19 septembre 2024

Our deepest sympathies goes out to you, Flo, families and friends. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

- Cyndi & Yvon, le 19 septembre 2024

My deepest sympathies to all. Wynn was a wonderful person. He made my childhood easier :)


Que mon soutien réchauffe votre coeur

- Stacey, le 18 septembre 2024

My sincere sympathies, he was a wonderful , kind and gentle soul..my thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time xx Corinne Boomhower

- Corinne , le 18 septembre 2024

My sincere sympathies, he was a wonderful , kind and gentle soul..my thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time xx Corinne Boomhower


Que mon soutien réchauffe votre coeur

- Corinne , le 18 septembre 2024

We extend our deepest sympathy to Wynns family and to his many friends as well. He will be sadly missed by all whos lives he has touched.


Que mon soutien réchauffe votre coeur

- Larry and Lorrayne (Roger) Markwell, le 18 septembre 2024

So sorry for your loss , our sincere sympathies

- Wendy and Keith Luce and Marion cox, le 18 septembre 2024

My deepest sympathies Wynn is a gentleman I will never forget. May you rest in peace Wynn.


Que mon soutien réchauffe votre coeur

- Jason Hartley & family , le 18 septembre 2024

Wynn was a great man. So easy to work with and so easy to hold a good conversation with. Loved by everyone at Alexander Galt. I could go on and on but Wynn would smile and say " Enough already Bob". Luv you Buddy.


Que mon soutien réchauffe votre coeur

- Bob Halsall , le 18 septembre 2024

Wynn was a nice man .he was my bus driver .I remember him being so generous and buying us kids pizza ..may he rest in peace .my sympathy to all

- Connie GOODWIN, le 18 septembre 2024

My deepest sympathies to you and your families xo

- Pauline Roger , le 18 septembre 2024

Sending our sympathies and prayers. Cherish your memories of family.

- Andy and Sandra Gallichon, le 18 septembre 2024

Sending our sympathies and thoughts and prayers. Cherish your memories together.

- Andy and Sandra Gallichon, le 18 septembre 2024

Sending our sympathies and thoughts and prayers. Cherish your memories together.

- Andy and Sandra Gallichon, le 18 septembre 2024

My deepest sympathy to all his family. He was a very friendly man. A great bus driver never had to worry about my kids getting home safe.My kids and grandchildren love going to thier house at Halloween we would visit for 20 min or more.All around a wonderful man. He is going to be missed by so many people.


Que mon soutien réchauffe votre coeur

- HelenAchilles Belanger , le 18 septembre 2024

Our deepest sympathies.

- Eugène & Rita Roy, le 18 septembre 2024

Our deepest sympathies.

- Eugène & Rita Roy, le 18 septembre 2024

We are so sorry for your loss. Your dad and mom were very special people. Your dad loved people. He was always for friendly and easy to visit with. I still have the video he made of our wedding. It was a beautiful gift we will treasure forever . He will always be remembered with great fondness.

- Debbie( Mosher) and Maurice Roy, le 18 septembre 2024

Dear Randy, Wendy and Kelly. I think of your dad often, and always with a smile. As kids, we seem to take for granted that 'big people' around us who are generous with their time and attention...I have realized through the years that your dad was one of those people. My thoughts are with you, and hope you and your families are well. Keith Mahoney

- Keith Mahoney, le 18 septembre 2024

Our deepest sympathies. I will miss all the conversations we had through out the years dearly.

- Ralph and Georgia, le 17 septembre 2024

Deepest sympathies to the family

- Lucille Dutil, le 22 septembre 2024

My deepest condolences. A wonderful man.

- Marilyn Bray, le 21 septembre 2024

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